GYROTONIC® principles in the context of Osteopathy
2016年12月4.5.6日 10:00 - 18:00 (休憩含む)
【受講対象】 GYROTONIC® level 1 認定トレーナー
【講師】Silvia Frosali
【通訳】荒 和尚
【受講料】 USD 350 + 54000円 (講師渡航費等含むスタジオ諸経費)
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This course offers both theoretical informations about osteopathy and practical applications on the Pulley tower and on the floor. This course is for GyrotonicTrainers and not for ostheopaths this means that you don’t need any anatomical /medical knowledge to participate .
Making a bridge between the two methods, the course will propose keys with which to interpret the Gyrotonic work from an osteopathic point of view.
There will also be given some examples of the osteopathic approach to problems of restriction of movements (articular, muscular, visceral...), with particular attention to the “hands on”, according to articular biomechanics and the “osteopathic lesion”.
Silvia Frosali is licensed for this course by Juliu Horvath and the International Gyrotonic Headquarters USA.
The course is valid as a Gyrotonic Level 1 Update .
about Silvia Frosali
Silvia Frosali started her professional career as a dancer . She began to work as a massage therapist in the late eighties at which time she also got to know Juliu Horvath and the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®.
Silvia has been a Gyrotonic Master Trainer since 2003, a Gyrokinesis Master Trainer since 2007 and a practicing Osteopath (D.O.) since 2005. Silvia is currently working in Florence as both Osteopath and Gyrotonic Master Trainer.
She is also Specialized GYROKINESIS® Master Trainer which allows her to teach the final Certification courses of Gyrokinesis.
What is Osteopathy ?
Osteopathy is a therapeutic method, created in the late 19th century by an American MD called Andrew Taylor Still. Manipulative techniques were put together with a new medical concept, based on the functional balance of all the structures of the body.
Osteopathy keeps and renews until today its actuality, for its nature being open to multidisciplinary approaches, always in synergy with the different medical fields.
Osteopathy is based on a profound knowledge of the fundamental sciences like Anatomy and Physiology. Its intervention is based on a valuation of the relations between the anatomical structures of the different systems: in particular the grade of mobility in the different areas of the body is tested and judged. Osteopathy tries to reorganize the disturbed balances working on a biomechanical and on a neurological level, also on the level of the liquids: the therapeutic intervention is based on purely manual techniques, specific and precise for any of the structures to be treated.
There are different specific manual techniques: structural, functional, visceral, fascial, somato-emotional, ... The precise goal of the osteopathic treatment is to regain physiological mobility, with consequent functional recovery and improvement of the tissue metabolism.
The normalisation of restrictions of mobility of the various parts of the body, the search of a balance between structure and function, the harmonisation of the dynamic balance of the organism and its biological rhythms, allow the body to express its own capacities of self-healing and so to regain homeostasis.To this new therapeutic philosophy have recently been added research results from Posturology and Anthropology, which have contributed to this method which stands within the first lines in understanding of the human nature and its state of functional balance.
GYROTONIC, GYROTONIC & Logo, GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM, GYROKINESIS and The Art of Exercising and Beyond are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission. The Essential of Body KineticsTM is a trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp.
June 24